The Advantages
SMSFs can offer a number of features and benefits generally not available with other super options.
More investment control
You can establish your own investment strategy and directly control where and how your super is invested.
More investment choice
You can select from a wider range of investments including all listed shares, some unlisted shares, residential and business property, and collectables such as artwork, stamps and coins.
One fund for the family
You can set up a fund for yourself and up to three other people and consolidate your super balances. This could enable you to invest in assets of higher value than if you set up a fund with fewer members, achieve greater estate planning flexibility, and reduce fund costs.
Borrow to make larger investments
Your SMSF could make a larger investment in assets such as shares and property by using cash in your fund and borrow the rest.
Tax savings
With SMSFs you can take greater control over the timing of tax events such as starting a pension without triggering capital gains tax when your superannuation assets move into pension phase. You may also have the option of transferring assets that you own into your SMSF.
Greater estate planning certainty and flexibility
Youcan nominate who you would like to receive your super when you pass awaywithout having to meet some of the constraints that apply to other super funds.
The disadvantages
While an SMSF can offer greater opportunities to take control of your retirement savings, there are some potential disadvantages you should also consider.
Higher costs for lower balances
SMSFs generally only become cost-effective if the fund has $200,000 or more invested. This is particularly true where you outsource and pay for most or all of the fund administration.
Greater responsibility
When you set up an SMSF, you and any other fund members will generally need to be trustees (or directors of the corporate trustee) and will be responsible for meeting a range of legal and other obligations.
Harsh penalties for breaches
The Australian Tax Office has the authority to impose various treatments to deal with SMSF trustees who have breached super laws. These include:
Source: MLC